
Lambswool Nosepad Nose Protector for Mexican Halter, white or brown

Item number R00951
RRP €5.99
€ 5.49 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price €5.49 / piece
within 24 - 48 hours
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Nose Pad for Halter

This lambswool nose pad is the perfect accessory for mexican riding halters. Cut the pad to the necessary size and the nose strap looks fresh again.

The pad is placed between the mecixan halter and nose of the horse.
Artificial Leather on the buttom side of the pad prevents it from shifting.



Diameter ca. 7-8 cm

1 piece

machine-washable, cold water. Lay out flat for drying. If desired give it to dry-cleaner to make it fluffy again.

- picture similar -

NOTICE: there could be small differences between the colour in the picture and the original colour caused by different incidence of light, brillance of the monitor, contrast adjustments etc.

This lambswool nose pad is the perfect accessory for mexican riding halters
Cut the pad to the necessary size and the nose strap looks fresh again
Application: The pad is placed between the mecixan halter and nose of the horse, artificial Leather on the buttom side of the pad prevents it from shifting.
Material: Lambswool
Size: Diameter ca. 7-8 cm

Condition New
Content 1 piece
Weight 7 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm