
Spurs Protector made of leather with rhinestone decoration Stylish Protection for your boots

Item number R01818
RRP €15.95
€ 10.99 *
Content 1 set
Unit price €10.99 / set
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Leather Spurs Protector with rhinestone applications

Protect and jazz up your boots with these flamboyant protectors

Choose from 2 designs!

2 pieces (for right and left)

ca. 18,5 x 2,5 cm


Type A
Patent leather black
rhinestones blue/crystal white

Type D
Leather black
rhinestones crystal white

Complete your look with matching boot clips, which are also available in our shop.

picture similar

NOTICE: there could be small differences between the colour in the picture and the original colour caused by different incidence of light, brillance of the monitor, contrast adjustments etc.

Protect and jazz up your boots with these flamboyant protectors
Quantity: 2 pieces (for right and left) - Size: ca. 18,5 x 2,5 cm - Material: Leather
Type A: Patent leather black - rhinestones blue/crystal white / Type B: Patent leather black - rhinestones black/crystal white
Type C: Leather black - rhinestones silver / Type D: Leather black - rhinestones crystal white
Complete your look with matching boot clips, which are also available in our shop.

Condition New
Content 1 set
Weight 75 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm