
Fly and Insect Veil Quality Ekzemer Neck Protection brown Elasthan

Item number R01148-L
AED 121.80 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price AED 121.80 / piece
within 24 - 48 hours
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Quality Ekzemer Neck Part

Annoying flies, insects and black flies are a burden for sensitive horses. Escpecially on the breast, throat and crest are a steady target for these insects.

The solution to prevent chafing of the mane and itching of the skin is this snug Ekzemer neck part. The soft close-fitting cotton material, combined with Elasthan, adjusts perfectly to the horse and does not obstruct the mobility of your horse. An elastic belly strap keeps the neck part in position.

• perfect fit
• Elasthan at the neck for more comfort and better mobility
• with adjustable chin strap
• with elastic belt



picture similar

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Annoying flies, insects and black flies are a burden for sensitive horses. Escpecially on the breast, throat and crest are a steady target for these insects.
The solution to prevent chafing of the mane and itching of the skin is this snug Ekzemer neck part. The soft close-fitting cotton material, combined with Elasthan,
adjusts perfectly to the horse and does not obstruct the mobility of your horse. An elastic belly strap keeps the neck part in position.
Characteristics: perfect fit - Elasthan at the neck for more comfort and better mobility - with adjustable chin strap - with elastic belt
Colour: brown

Condition New
Content 1 piece
Weight 1100 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm